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Medieval Monday with Elisabeth Hobbes

Welcome back - yes, it is Monday :)

I have Elisabeth Hobbes visiting. She's a prolific writer of medieval romance that really brings home the rawness of the time period. I love it! Here's the second to the last snippet so if you haven't commented on all the blogs, why not? Medieval Romance rocks and these authors are some of the best, including Elizabeth!

Enjoy :)


Lady Peyton was listening to her mother speaking but, as though she had felt Will’s eyes upon her, she glanced across, seeing the three men staring in her direction. Her green eyes narrowed suspiciously. Will remembered those clear, wide eyes scrutinizing him in Sir Edgar’s library as she had hinted at their encounter. She could have told her father everything and yet something had stopped her. He had seen interest there, he was sure, and he had most certainly seen the flush in her cheeks when she was in his arms.

His jaw tightened as he recalled her declaration that she would never kiss him. She had been so confident of her assertion that his sense of pride flared at the thought of such a challenge.

As he poured another round of drinks, playing for time, Lady Peyton rose from her seat. She crossed the hall—still not putting the weight fully on her foot, Will noticed. Edmund hailed her with a cheery goodnight and she bent unwillingly while Edmund planted a drunken kiss on her cheek. Her eye fell on Will. He inclined his head towards her and she gave him a nervous smile. He watched her depart, her skirt swaying gracefully despite the unevenness of her step, emphasizing her narrow waist and the curves of her hips.

‘You’ve got a fancy for her, haven’t you, Brother? I can tell,’ Rob said. ‘Well, you can put her out of your mind. It’s common knowledge she has no time for any man.’

Is that going to tempt Will to take the wager? Discover the answer in the final excerpt on Elisabeth’s blog next week.


"I suppose a kiss of gratitude is out of the question?" Widowed Lady Eleanor Peyton has chosen a life of independence. Living alone on her rocky coastal outcrop, she's cut herself off from the world of men—until William Rudhale saves her life and demands a kiss! As steward to Lady Eleanor's father, Will knows the desire he burns with is futile—but he'll still wager he can claim Eleanor's kiss by midwinter. Yet when the tide turns Will realizes vulnerable Eleanor is far too precious to gamble with. Can he win his lady before it's too late?

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