Medieval Monday comes again! Take a respite from the daily grind to enjoy snippets of days gone by, of chivalrous men and bold women. Today's selection, A Knight to Call My Own, is just the escape you need. Enjoy!

Calum turned to reach behind them to grab something from the leather bag attached to the rear of the horse’s tack. She was hardly surprised when he took hold of her wrists and bound them together with the rope in a tight knot.
“’Tis not necessary to bind me,” she declared in a huff of righteous indignation. “Where do you think I will run to on foot that you could not easily catch me, as you did but a while ago?”
“I take no further chances with you, nor do I plan to leave you in the care of others.” He leaned forward, causing Lynet to gasp, not knowing his intent. His brow rose as if he knew she thought he would steal a kiss. “Do not think I am not tempted, lass.”
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Follow along next week by checking out Elisabeth Hobbes’ blog with excerpt #11
When your heart is broken, is love still worth the risk?
Lynet of clan MacLaren knows how it feels to love someone and not have that love returned. After waiting for six long years, she has given up hope of Ian’s return. Her brother-in-law, the Devil’s Dragon of Berwyck, is tired of waiting for her to choose a husband and has decided a competition for the right to wed Lynet is just the thing his willful charge needs to force her hand.
Ian MacGillivray has returned to Berwyck Castle in search of a bride and who better than the young girl who cared for him all those years ago. But Lynet is anything but an easy conquest and he will need more than charm to win her hand in marriage.
From the English borders to the Highlands of Scotland, the chase is on for who will claim the fair Lynet. The price paid will indeed be high to ensure her safety and even higher to win her love.