
Dec 26, 2016
#MedievalMonday16 The Temptations at a Medieval Celebration
Welcome back for another Medieval Monday. Today indulge in an authentic medieval celebration with Geoffrey and Alyse in Seduction at the...

Dec 19, 2016
#MedievalMonday16 No Seal? No Deal!
Welcome back for another Medieval Monday and I have Barbara Bettis with an excerpt from The Lady of the Forest. Enjoy! In this excerpt,...

Dec 12, 2016
#MedievalMonday16 A Feast for the Senses
Welcome back to Medieval Monday. Mary Morgan has a new release just in time for the holiday season and here's an excerpt. A MAGICAL...

Dec 5, 2016
I can barely believe it's already December 2016. Did this year fly by or what? Well, the year may be flying by but taking the time to...

Nov 28, 2016
#MedievalMonday16 It's Time to Celebrate
Today starts a new theme for our Medieval Monday excerpt share. The days are getting even shorter and that means it is time to celebrate....