
Jan 16, 2017
#MedievalMonday16 Time Travel Thanksgiving!
If you knew how to time travel, what would be the time you would go back to? Why? Would you go back to Dallas and stop JFK from taking...
Jan 13, 2017
Better Late Than Never #MFRWAuthor
Week 2 of the MFRW Weekly blog challenge and I already forgot to write my post! Eck! So how does my family survive my writing? To be...

Jan 9, 2017
#MedievalMonday16 A Pagan Ritual
Welcome to Ruth A. Casie for this Medieval Monday Celebration excerpt. Ritual and ceremony abound in this intriguing celebration from The...

Jan 6, 2017
Fifty Two Weeks...A Long Time? #MFRWAuthor
So as part of my "Blogging Regularly" goal for 2017, I've committed to #MFRWAuthor Blog Challenge which will provide writing prompts...

Jan 2, 2017
#MedievalMonday16 A Highlander Wedding
Happy New Year! It may be 2017 but, more importantly, it's Medieval Monday! Today I have Cathy MacRae continuing with the "celebration"...