
Jan 29, 2017
The Birds Along the Cliffs
It's the weekend again! Yay! I have to admit some Mondays it seems too far away, but we made it :) My story continues with Lorcann and...

Jan 27, 2017
The Writing Mistakes I Can't Do Without #MFRWAuthor
There's a lot of talk out there about right brain, left brain, cross over leaves me to wonder, does that apply to me? I'm left...

Jan 23, 2017
#MedievalMonday16 Celebrating with Laurel O'Donnell
Tired of the cold? Let's warm up with some celebrating - cue the hot knights and lovely ladies. Here's an excerpt from Mistletoe Magic by...

Jan 22, 2017
And So It Begins...
I write historical romance and my upcoming series takes place in Ireland, well after the Battle of Clontarf ;) Here's a little taste of...

Jan 20, 2017
Can Bingeing Ever Be a Good Thing? #MFRWauthor
This week's prompt for the 52-Week blog challenge is "TV Shows I Binge" but bingeing is often associated with overeating or drinking,...