
Oct 2, 2017
#MedievalMonday with Ruth A. Casie
Welcome back to another Medieval Monday for a blog hop extraordinaire! We have some of the best medieval writers participating with a...

Oct 1, 2017
#WeWriWa - Marcán's Temptation?
It's another WeWriWa Sunday with snippets to share! I'm continuing with Eyes of the Seer. This is from my hero's POV. You can check out...

Sep 25, 2017
#MedievalMonday Highlander Novelist Cathy MacRae
It's Medieval Monday and I have the romantic duo Cathy & DD MacRae with an excerpt from their highlander novel, The Highlander's Viking...

Sep 24, 2017
#WeWriWa - Marcán Needs Companionship
Welcome back to WeWriWa where you can get a peak at some great author's works in progress or recently published. Mine is the latter. Very...

Sep 20, 2017
Stone of Destiny - Movie Review
Maybe I shouldn't call these thoughts a "review" but "feedback" because I am not trying to be critical. I'm sharing my feedback on a...