
Feb 19, 2018
#MedMon18 Can Betrayal Ever Be A Good Thing?
Courtly pomp and circumstance can make a girl's head swim.
If you've been visiting my blog for awhile and seen many of my posts, y

Feb 12, 2018
#MedMon18 A Kiss of the Highest Caliber
Welcome back to my blog. Guess what? It's Monday and around here that means it's Medieval Monday. How fortuitous :) I have a snippet...

Feb 5, 2018
#MedMon18 A Duncurra Legacy Novel
It's a late start on this Monday so let's get into the groove with a new excerpt from Ceci Giltenan and her Highland novel, A Wee...

Jan 29, 2018
#MedMon18 Besieged and Betrothed Oh My!
Besieged and Betrothed by Jenni Fletcher

Jan 22, 2018
#MedMon18 Welcome Back for More Great Reads
It's Monday - you can't avoid it - so let's make it Medieval. I love history and one of my favorite time periods is medieval. Great...