
Jun 1, 2020
Hop Into the Middle Ages
Happy Medieval Monday. Welcome back to week #5 of our blog hop. Today I am featuring Bambi Lynn with a snippet from Mask of the...

May 25, 2020
A Man Conflicted: A Woman with No Family
Welcome back to Medieval Monday Spring edition (#medmonspring20). We're on week #4 and today I have my dear friend Mary Morgan visiting...

May 18, 2020
Celebrating All Things Medieval
Welcome back to week #3 in our #MedMonSpring20 Blog hop. If you love all things medieval, then you've come to the right place. Authors...

May 11, 2020
Let's Have Some Fun - Medieval Style
Welcome back for another exciting snippet from one of our medieval authors. It's #medmonspring20! Today I have Jenna Jaxon with her...

May 4, 2020
And so it begins...
After the death of Brian Boru and before the invasion of the Normans, Ireland was ruled by...the Warrior Kings.